Your Path to Building an Authentic and Distinctive Style

Unlock Your Potential | Boost Your Confidence | Celebrate Your Body | Embrace Your Unique Style

"My passion lies in fostering a two-way conversation with my clients where creativity knows no bounds, enabling you to confidently express your authentic personality before you even say a word!"

Elena, Creative Stylist.

I cover Surrey, South London, Sussex and Kent.

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"A good stylist, ultimately, saves clients money by making sure they put their existing wardrobes to good use and only buy essential pieces."


Why Choose Me?

Tailored Authentic Styling: 

My creative styling focuses on showcasing your authentic self, moving beyond conventions and enabling you to dress with confidence and enjoyment.

I'm committed to honouring and uplifting the beauty found in diverse body shapes and sizes.


Ethical Commitment:

Beyond styling and fashion trends, I am deeply committed to promoting ethical fashion, providing you with sustainable and conscientious choices.



With a journey starting in 2013, advanced training in the form of an Image Diploma and ongoing courses, I bring experience and professional skills to every session.


Holistic Wardrobe Transformation: 

Beyond styling, I provide a comprehensive wardrobe transformation by curating your clothing collection to suit your lifestyle and personality. You can rely on me to help you showcase your best self at every stage of life, ensuring your appearance aligns with your inner values.


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